
Building awareness starts with compelling stories. We amplify youth’s voices through their unique experiences and expressions, pinning down the most prevalent issues among them.

Provied an information sharing platform

To cohesively adapt goals and expectations, we provide an information sharing platform by storytelling to foster open dialogue among employers, professional associations, youth, educators, and those agencies developing sustainable development skills mapping frameworks. We will support youth build their own knowledge in SDGs and climate change through intergenerational and transdisciplinary conversations. Sharing personal stories aims to stimulate students’ cognitive and socio-emotional development. Students will foster empathy and reimagine an alternative future throughout the process.

Tell stories in diverse ways

Our storytelling programs welcome young people of all backgrounds. The multimodal nature encourages youth to tell their stories in diverse ways: oral, written, visual, musical, performance, digital, and many more. We will offer hybrid forms with immersive learning experiences.


Currently, our ongoing L&F Podcast series spotlight the inspiring stories of youth leaders. We have released 4 episodes so far, covering self-care, sustainable wellness, community support, equal access to education, and waste management. In the future, we aim incorporate story scenarios and evidence-based solutions to develop challenging immersive experience games.